
Friday 31 July 2020

Matariki Celebration

Matariki Celebration

Amazing matariki celebration ever.

On 24 of july 2020 in glen innes school we had a matariki celebration. We had a hungi, we made matariki posters and we got to go and visit other classrooms posters. Room 2,4 first came and visited us. They looked at our posters then Mr Hendricks came into our classroom and told us how proud he was about our posters. There are 9 sisters but most people think there are 7. The reason why you can't see the other two is because they are hiding away.  We sang a song in maori which is called the matariki macarena. We went to room 4 and they sang it then we sang together with them. We went to all the classes in our school and they told us more about matariki. 

 We went to room 10,11,7,6,2 and 4. Their one was incredible. They made it neat and tidy and we were able to understand it. On the last break everyone came to the hall to eat the food that the cook islands made. It was chicken,vegetables, potato,and kumara. It was delicious and our drink we had was milk. It was the end of school  and the bell rang. We all went home and we had a fantastic day because we got to look at other classes  posters and impress our parents.